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Sebastian Ngida

Sebastian Ngida

Founder:  Kenyan Entrepreneur’s Conference on Trade & Development (KENCTAD)

Sebastian Davies Ngida is a leading figure in Kenya’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, passionate about driving sustainable business practices. As the founder of the Kenyan Entrepreneurs’ Conference on Trade & Development (KENCTAD), Sebastian fosters connections between government, academia, and the private sector to promote responsible growth.

KENCTAD is a Nairobi-based organization that champions Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles.  Sebastian’s dedication to sustainability extends beyond conferences. He is a vocal advocate through his podcast, “SUSTAINABILITY AS A CONCEPT,” which educates and empowers listeners on integrating sustainability into business strategies.

Recognizing outstanding ESG performance, KENCTAD also hosts the Kenya ESG Awards.

Sebastian’s commitment to sustainable development makes him a valuable asset to the upcoming ESG/ Shared Value summit. His experience in connecting diverse stakeholders and his dedication to promoting responsible business practices will undoubtedly contribute to a productive and impactful event.

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