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Rodolphe Peguewinde Bance

Rodolphe Peguewinde Bance

Head of Economic and Social Governance Unit at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF).

He has joined the organization since October 2023 and oversee the design and development of new initiatives focusing on economic and social governance, its implementation and its impact as well as monitor the program and manage its team. In collaboration with the ACBF Business Development team, he is also responsible for securing partnerships for growing the program.

Prior to joining to ACBF, Rodolphe BANCE was the technical advisor to the Minister of Economic and Finance (Burkina Faso) in charge of coordinating partnersā€™ intervention portfolios (World Bank, IMF, AfDBā€¦). In this capacity, he was the chief negotiator for new IMF ongoing program (2023-2026) with Burkina Faso. He has also coordinated PFM reforms and digitalization projects. With more than 15 years of experience in economic governance, Rodolphe has diverse experience as the Director of Prospective, Quality, Innovation and Reforms, the Head of the Office of Quality, Innovation and Reforms, and the Technical Assistant within the General Directorate of Treasury and Public Accounting of Burkina Faso.

In the past, Rodolphe coordinated strategic planning and PFM reform processes as accrual accounting reform, TSA, digitalization of payment and debt management reforms through the global reform committee. He has (1) participated in PEFA evaluations and reforms actions plan formulation, (2) provided technical assistance on public finance reforms in the West African region and (3) operated regularly as PFM specialist or consultant in the WAEMU region. His extensive experience includes several researches conducted on specific topics in WAEMU and ECOWAS regions concerning PFM with CABRI and the World Bank as a consultant.

Rodolphe BANCE holds a (i) masterā€™s degree in Economic Policy Management funded by ACBF, (ii) masterā€™s degree in Public Finance, (iii) Certificate of Advanced Studies in Public Administration (Maxwell School Syracuse University, USA 2020), and (iv) training certificates in PFM evaluation tools (PEFA, DEMPA, TADAT, MAPS, SAI PMF). Rodolphe is PhD candidate in Economic from the UniversitĆ© Cheick Anta Diop Senegal.

Economic and Social Governance Program
Economic and Social Governance is one of the four new thematic pillars that will guide the work of the Foundation over the next 5 years. Within this pillar, the Foundation will focus on building capacities for domestic resource mobilization, public finance management and the formulation and implementation of purpose-driven economic policies and regulatory reforms. In addition, the new Strategic Plan has identified four key cross-cutting issues: women and youth, digitalization, and data talent.


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