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Wendy Poulton
Wendy is currently the director of Strategic Mindsets a company specialising in energy, strategy and risk consulting and coaching. Before that she was General Manager Organisational Strategy at Eskom, South Africa’s major power utility and her main area of technical expertise is in the energy field where she has worked for more than 30 years. Wendy has held various roles in Eskom in R&D, environment, sustainable development, climate change, safety and strategy and risk.
Wendy is a Secretary General of the South African National Energy Association and the Secretariat of the Energy and Green Economy Working Group of the South African BRICS Business Council.
Wendy holds an MSc from the University of Pretoria, has completed the Management Advancement Programme at the University of the Witwatersrand Business School and the Global Executive Development Programme at the Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria. In addition, she has a Diploma in Strategy and Innovation from Oxford University Said Business School and is a qualified coach.